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Wholesale Baja Hoodies

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Looking for a wholesale baja hoodies? We have been the top selling online store for Mexican baja hoodies since 2008. We are the only baja hoodie supplier that has high quality fashionable bajas. We use higher quality weaves and material making our style much better than the low quality itchy bajas you will find on Amazon or in a local gas station.

wholesale baja hoodies

We started manufacturing baja hoodies in 2015 shortly after we realized how popular our colors were that we were designing. As a baja hoodie manufacturer we work closely with our partners not only in Mexico but in many other countries around the world.

Our Mexican artisans are the best at our traditional woven Mexican baja hoodie. This is where the drug rug trend started in the 1970's. These are a timeless fashion that only seem to grow in popularity each year.

rainbow knit baja hoodie

You can shop our wholesale baja hoodies here.

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